UV LED Curing System

Product information



Kirk-Rudy quality guarantee

LED technology uses 75% less energy

The design, operation and performance advantages of Kirk-Rudy’s UV LED Curing System offers increased yields, energy savings, greater performance and safety compared to traditional Mercury UV curing systems. It’s small footprint and adjustable mount provide ease and versatility for UV inkjet curing. A larger range of substrates can be used due to the very low heat this unit emits and no special exhaust ventilation is needed. Producing only UV-A wavelengths, which are safer, and emitting no ozone, this unit is much more environment friendly than traditional UV curing systems

Kirk-Rudy standard size 16 Watt units: 3”, 6”, 12”, 15”, and 4” LED Pinning Lamp (4 Watt)


  • Small footprint
  • Uniform intensity across full length of light source
  • Deeper curing
  • Low maintenance


  • Anti-Glare Cover

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